Cheatsheet for VoiceOver
April 2019Introduction to the loading attribute for lazy-loading images when they come into the viewport
April 2019Really useful little tool for visualising a colour palette and designing a nice range of related colours. Read the intro blog post shown on startup!
April 2019Tool for marking a commit as being co-authored. Useful for pairing
March 2019Basic introduction to the Cache-Control header and it's various options
March 2019Tips on changing the colour of an SVG icon when hovered
March 2019Converter for Google's new android app format based on progressive web apps
March 2019Intro to worker threads, a new multi-threading (like actual threads!) in Node
March 2019Technique for laying out several elements that need to switch between horizontal/side-by-side layout to vertical/above-each-other layout at a certain "breakpoint" but without media queries. Also they won't collapse so that one element is larger than the others.
February 2019Quick but comprehensive comparison of making SVGs accessible
February 2019Interesting post from Nolan Lawson about making sure you include JS execution time, CSS formatting and CSS layout steps when measuring performance. Tl;dr: wrap a setTimeout inside a requestAnimationFrame.
January 2019Good post on the semantics of buttons vs links in HTML
January 2019Really interesting post about using "use case maps", mostly about automatic creation of them. But I'm most interested in the concept itself. The tldr is that they're architecture diagrams (showing the different parts of a system), marked up with arrows showing how the user flows through the system in an individual use-case.
December 2018React v15 documentation, Since the v16 docs were launched previous versions were inaccessible online. This site archives the v15 docs
December 2018Useful site that uses AI to remove backgrounds from images (and replace with them transparency). Potentially useful for web design
December 2018Really great primer on the aria-live attribute, with some examples of how to use it
December 2018Good mental model for how React hooks are internally implemented
December 2018Interesting collection of "technical-looking" line drawings of every day objects
December 2018