
Tools for Introspection | Lara Hogan

Useful tools for setting expectations about yourself and your team. Interestingly is against manager READMEs.

June 2019
Tracking compensation and promotion inequity | Lara Hogan

Lots of useful advice on ensuring that diversity within the company is maintained fairly

June 2019
Authentication in React Applications

Some good ideas around how to handle auth state with context

June 2019
Using the aria-current attribute – Tink

Intro to an ARIA attribute I didn't know much about. Used to mark the "current" thing in a list (in certain circumstances)

June 2019
Making unit tests fail when PropTypes error

Quick tip for failing a test when React prop types are invalid by monkey-patching console.error

June 2019
Accessible Icon Buttons — Sara Soueidan – Freelance-Front-End UI/UX Developer

Code snippets of the various different ways of marking up buttons with an icon (and no text)

May 2019
JavaScript Prototype Poisoning Vulnerabilities in the Wild

Description of a nasty JS security bug. The key mitigation is to avoid custom Object deep clone implementations (and use a safe alternative like lodash)

May 2019
Change Color of SVG on Hover | CSS-Tricks

How to change the colour of an SVG on hover

May 2019
Implementing a pin-to-bottom scrolling element with only CSS

Interesting hack to pin scrolling to the bottom while appending elements above (e.g. in some sort of stream of info)

May 2019
Backpressure explained — the flow of data through software

Great, easy to understand explainer of what backpressure is (and why it's desirable in some cases)

May 2019
Background SVG Hovers with Mask

CSS to change an SVG icon's colour on hover.

May 2019
Manually updating the DOM in a React app - CodeSandbox

Just been totally tripped up on a React thing: . Click the “turn red” button, then the “incr…

April 2019
Fading out siblings on hover in CSS | Trys Mudford

Neat trick to provide a nice hover effect when showing a few sibling elements

April 2019
Developing Dependency Awareness — Smashing Magazine

Good breakdown of reasons why you should use a <button> over a <a> or <div>

April 2019
Accessibility posters's accessibility posters in HTML form

April 2019 - Native image lazy-loading for the web!

Introduction to the loading attribute for lazy-loading images when they come into the viewport

April 2019
Palettte App

Really useful little tool for visualising a colour palette and designing a nice range of related colours. Read the intro blog post shown on startup!

April 2019