Interesting definition of an architect role at Khan Academy. tl;dr: "an architect acts as a sort of product manager for the system in which software is built. This “system” consists of the coding standards, tools, platforms, and even processes used by the engineers on the team to build features for their users. Architects look for ways in which the system can better serve the engineers."
December 2018Buffer's take on a Career ladder (explicitly not a ladder). Uses a "sphere of influence idea" to gauge level, instead of a checklist of skiils
December 2018Quick & helpful guide for installing npm without sudo
November 2018Very useful tool to preview/generate/edit the <meta> tags used by Twitter/Facebook/etc to show page previews
November 2018Calendar showing a bunch of exhibitions at London museums/galleries. Bit slow to load, but nice design
November 2018Super useful tool to convert a raw SVG (say from Sketch) and convert it to JSX, and also running it through SVGO to optimise it.
November 2018Bruce Lawson post nominally about custom HTML elements bit with an interesting sidebar about the <data> element which is designed to wrap microdata/microformats to make it machine readable. There's also an interesting JS Bin linked showing an implementation of a colour swatch element.
October 2018Really interesting pattern/JS snippet to defer calculation of an expensive task with `requestIdleCallback`, *except* if that task is "urgent" (i.e. required synchronously)
October 2018Good reference article on various timeout functions in JS (setTimeout, requestAnimationFrame, requestIdleCallback)
September 2018Meet the incredible volunteer team behind the viral app - an amazing app that shows EU fund…
September 2018Really nice and simple markup/styling of FAQ style details (click a headline to show details)
September 2018Good documentation of "slots" pattern in React - basically just passing JSX as a prop. Also points out good way around prop drilling problem
August 2018Good short write up on writing proposals
July 2018Ah I needed this so badly: Simple resource from @rem which tells you whether an array metho…
June 2018