
Code smells in CSS โ€“ CSS Wizardry โ€“ CSS Architecture, Web Performance Optimisation, and more, by Harry Roberts

A list of code smells in CSS from Harry Roberts. Mostly agree with the ones listed, however I find some of the sentiments too strong (too much "never do this")

March 2017
Web Field Manual | Design

Massive list of resources for web design. Everything from accessibility to UX patterns

March 2017
CSS Grid: One Layout, Multiple Ways | CSS-Tricks

Short & simple practical introduction to CSS Grid

March 2017
Squeezy Stretchy Flexbox Nav | CSS-Tricks

Great article on a "stretchy" navigation with submenus that expands/contracts based on viewport height (see demos for a better explanation). I can see this being useful for file tree UIs too

March 2017
The Unexpected Power of Viewport Units in CSS | Lullabot

Nice article walking through usages of viewport height (vh) and viewport width (vw) units in CSS. Some useful explanatory examples

March 2017

Always a sucker for Swiss Alps maps ๐Ÿ˜ Climbed a handful for these :)

March 2017
A litmus test for job descriptions - Julia Evans

Another piece by @b0rk on job descriptions and how to write good ones. See another one of my links for the job description she ended up writing

January 2017
Flexbox layout helper classes

Some simple CSS layout classes, mostly using flexbox

January 2017
Hero Patterns - Repeatable SVG Background Patterns

Collection of (SVG based) patterns for use in hero UIs as a background

January 2017

Demo showing CSS columns property, allowing newspaper-like columns with a couple of lines of CSS

January 2017
bastianallgeier/letter: Letter is a simple, highly customizable tool to create letters in your browser.

Interesting tool to "write a letter" using HTML/CSS. Uses contenteditable & nice styling to format a "letter"

January 2017
uiGradients - Beautiful colored gradients

Utility site to view curated simple gradients. Useful for headers/hero UI patterns

January 2017
How do you make an awesome team? - Julia Evans

Really great post on how to make a great team by @b0rk. Truthfully, it's more about being a great team member than being a manager and creating the team.

January 2017
Git back to the future | Phil Nash

Invaluable post on the reflog and how to recover commits lost with git reset --hard

January 2017
ad-hoc-reckons/ at master ยท insin/ad-hoc-reckons

Good blog post on creating your own create-react-app style tooling package

January 2017
Typora โ€” a minimal markdown reading & writing app

Really impressed with Typora markdown editor:

January 2017
nolanlawson/marky: High-resolution JavaScript timer based on performance.mark() and measure()

Better JS timing library. console.time() and console.timeEnd() have slight perf issues themselves. Integrates with console timing tab graphs

January 2017

Made with the fantastic sweaterify by @kosamari

December 2016