
When running eslint with npm script, npm throws error. · Issue #7933 · eslint/eslint · GitHub

This comment is so useful for npm scripts: Especially when most advice seems to be `exit 0` which breaks piping & CI

June 2017
How the minmax() Function Works

Nice explanation of CSS minmax function (part of the Grid spec)

June 2017

Github's icon set

June 2017
Feather – Simply beautiful open source icons

A nice (but small) icon set from Nelify

June 2017
Avoid Large, Complex Layouts and Layout Thrashing  |  Web  |  Google Developers

Good guide on ways to avoid "layout thrashing" which is bad for performance. Most useful tip is to only check layout forcing properties in JS (height, width etc) at the beginning of requestAnimationFrame

May 2017
What forces layout/reflow. The comprehensive list.

List of JS properties & functions which will cause forced layout/reflow when accessed. This can cause "layout thrashing" which is bad for performance

May 2017
The Offline Cookbook  |  Web  |  Google Developers

Service worker best practices and strategies for caching for offline

May 2017
CSS Guidelines (2.2.5) – High-level advice and guidelines for writing sane, manageable, scalable CSS

Good "rule book" for writing CSS in teams. Do't agree with everything and some I wouldn't take to the extremes suggested here, but mostly good. I like the BEM suggestions too

May 2017
Twitter Lite and High Performance React Progressive Web Apps at Scale

Good perf tips from Twitter Lite PWA. Includes some nice flame graphs which are useful for diagnosing the problem (and learning how to read flame graphs)

May 2017
Compressing Genomes for Fun and Profit with Pareto, Docker and Gnuplot

Compressing Genomes for Fun and Profit with Pareto, Docker and Gnuplot:

May 2017
Interesting Takes on Log in / Sign Up Forms - The Media Temple Blog

Some neat sign in form demos. Particularly like the "Josh Sorosky Slide’n’Zoom" one

April 2017
Between the Lines | CSS-Tricks

Seems like a really useful technique for making better sized CSS (e.g. padding) at arbitrary screen sizes. It effectively "tweens" based on the current screen size, between a min and max size. This means that screens that don't fit with defined breakpoints will be better sized

April 2017
Test Double | Our Thinking | Makefile Usability Tips

Some useful tips for Makefiles. Includes a useful script for extracting comments from the Makefile to show help docs in the CLI

April 2017

Great intro article to JSX. Abstracts away React, so could potential be a little confusing. But if you think that `h()` -> `React.createElement`, then it's fine

April 2017
Building a CSS Grid Overlay | CSS-Tricks

Some neat CSS to add an overlay demonstrating a grid system as a dev tool. Can be configured using CSS variables

April 2017