
OKRs are hard

A breakdown of some pitfalls with OKRs, specifically around key results. Balanced by positive points about why OKRs are useful, namely that they force you to sit down and think about your strategy.

May 2023
Dark Mode via a Smallish Script in the Head, Avoiding FART

Great solution to the dark mode toggle problem.

May 2023
Bringing Together Keyboard-only and Click-based UI Tests with keyboard-testing-library

Interesting concept that builds on the ideas of testing-library to encourage tests for mouse-based _and_ keyboard-based interactions on the same controls (e.g. activating the submit button in a form).

May 2023
Unicode Text Analyzer | FontSpace

A fun little tool for breaking down unicode characters into their underlying codepoints. Great to showing how emojis are structured.

May 2023
Accessibility (ARIA) Notification API

Proposed spec for an API for notifying assistive technology (e.g. screen readers), which seems to be much improved over using aria-live regions.

May 2023
Chrome Developers: Monitor your web application with the Reporting API

Fairly broad intro the Reporting API that is built into browsers, which is mostly focused on Content-Security-Policy violations, but has a bit of detail on crash reporting that I wasn't aware was possible. The crash reporting is probably worth investigating, as these can be difficult to debug. Just not very clear what data is sent in a crash report, nor how to reproduce a crash for testing purposes.

May 2023
Ahmad Shadeed: CSS Text balancing with text-wrap:balance

Article explaining the new text-wrap: balance CSS property

May 2023
Rach Smith: Recreating the title effect from

Nice visual "waves" effect using some CSS transforms and linear interpolation in JS.

May 2023
Suspense library for React

A really interesting library that provides an API to simplify data loading and caching, for use with React Suspense.

May 2023
Pixel Perfect Mac App

A macOS app that "fixes" blurry or small text in other apps that have been converted from iOS. I did try this on Timery, which has small font and it didn't seem to work there, but this may be because Timery has made some Mac-specific changes.

May 2023
HTML Standard

TIL about implicit submissions on HTML forms: Quite a few surprising behaviours fall out of this…

August 2022

Tool that converts raster images to SVG

May 2022
Removing "shows" from Spotify

Useful little script that removes podcasts from Spotify's UI

March 2022
Working together on Interop 2022 | WebKit

Really happy to see contenteditable on the list here (even if marked as experimental)!

March 2022
Google font to SVG path

Tool to convert any character (or characters) in a specific Google Font to an SVG path. Effectively allowing you to convert a letter or word to an image.

October 2021
My Dev Environment Setup on Apple Silicon | Zouhir's Blog

Some handy scripts for setting up Homebrew to install via x86 or ARM architectures.

March 2021
Use CSS Clamp to create a more flexible wrapper utility - Quick Tip - Piccalilli

Tip to use the CSS clamp function to make text wrap more nicely in responsive designs

March 2021
CSS Grid Generator

Does exactly what it says on the tin. From Sarah Drasner

March 2021
Build A Confirmation Modal in React with State Machines

Guide to using the Robot3 state machine to build a semi complex modal in React.

March 2021