
Removing "shows" from Spotify

Useful little script that removes podcasts from Spotify's UI

March 2022
Working together on Interop 2022 | WebKit

Really happy to see contenteditable on the list here (even if marked as experimental)!

March 2022
Google font to SVG path

Tool to convert any character (or characters) in a specific Google Font to an SVG path. Effectively allowing you to convert a letter or word to an image.

October 2021
My Dev Environment Setup on Apple Silicon | Zouhir's Blog

Some handy scripts for setting up Homebrew to install via x86 or ARM architectures.

March 2021
Use CSS Clamp to create a more flexible wrapper utility - Quick Tip - Piccalilli

Tip to use the CSS clamp function to make text wrap more nicely in responsive designs

March 2021
CSS Grid Generator

Does exactly what it says on the tin. From Sarah Drasner

March 2021
Build A Confirmation Modal in React with State Machines

Guide to using the Robot3 state machine to build a semi complex modal in React.

March 2021
Things your manager might not know

things your manager might not know

March 2021
The good line-height

Tool for computing the the CSS line height so that it fits exactly onto a (pixel based) grid

January 2021
A primer on engineering delivery metrics | LeadDev

Good article introducing what engineering delivery metrics are, how they can be sold to the team, and what they are useful/not useful for.

November 2020 - ui examples

A UI "search engine" - search for screenshots of UI patterns used on other sites.

September 2020
Transparent Textures

Library of (themeable) transparent textures

September 2020
A CSS-only, animated, wrapping underline. | Nicky blogs

Nice CSS trick to animate underlines for links

August 2020
The Complete Guide to Centering in CSS | Modern CSS Solutions

Excellent practical guide to centering with modern CSS.

July 2020
CSS Button Styling Guide | Modern CSS Solutions

Excellent and comprehensive guide to styling buttons using modern CSS.

July 2020
Icon Button CSS Styling Guide | Modern CSS Solutions

Comprehensive guide to styling buttons containing icons.

July 2020
Accessible Colors | WCAG 2.0 AA and AAA color contrast checker

Good accessible colour checker, with tools to adjust font size and weight. And provides suggested colours if not accessible.

July 2020
The Wet Codebase by Dan Abramov – Deconstruct

Well presented talk on not being too hasty to create abstractions.

July 2020
React Training: When do I use functions in a Hooks Dependency Array?

Good analogy made in this article. You must include state in useEffect dependencies array, and some props. Which props? Props that might change, because "props are someone else's state".

July 2020
Responsive Designs and CSS Custom Properties: Defining Variables and Breakpoints | CSS-Tricks

Useful article demonstrating some flexible approaches to CSS custom properties.

July 2020