
Simple SVG sparklines | as days pass by

Neat script for creating sparklines (mini graphs) in embedded svgs

December 2012
John Resig - Redefining the Introduction to Computer Science

Been sitting in my tabs for weeks now, but Khan Academy's CS program is impressive. John Resig's (lead dev) write up

August 2012
HTML5 For Web Designers - Datalists

Super useful little HTML5 pattern for HTML5 forms. Create an input element, and link with a datalist element using the list attribute to create a field that you can pick an option from or add your own. Bonus - handy tip for randomly generating the placeholder attribute from the datalist options:

August 2012
Produce Crate Labels - a set on Flickr

Awesome Flickr set of pre WWII fruit/food produce labels. Very retro design :)

April 2012
Science in the Open » Blog Archive » A citizen of the network

.@cameronneylon's last two blog posts have *absolutely* knocked it out of the park: and

February 2012