
Test Double | Our Thinking | testdouble.js vs. sinon.js

Really impressed with the thought put into testdouble.js

August 2016
TIL Mark Twain (yes that Twain) wrote several chapters on Kandersteg and mountains that I’ve climbed: I had no idea…

TIL Mark Twain (yes that Twain) wrote several chapters on Kandersteg and mountains that I’ve climbed: I had no idea…

August 2016
GitHub - clauderic/react-sortable-hoc: A set of higher-order components to turn any list into an animated, touch-friendly, sortable list

react-sortable-hoc is AWESOME - Dan Harper (DanHarper7)

June 2016
Grid by Example - Usage examples of CSS Grid Layout

Kind of blown away by CSS grid spec: I feel like I could actually do layout now (barring browser support)

April 2016
Generalizing JSX: Delivering on the Dream of Curried Named Parameters

Super interesting article expanding on JSX

April 2016
UI components for Elasticsearch - Searchkit

React components for creating search UIs for an Elasticsearch backend: via @DanHarper7

February 2016
GitHub - petehunt/webpack-howto

Clearest beginner’s guide to webpack I’ve seen:

January 2016
Tips to handle Authentication in Redux – Medium

Some good tips on handling auth with redux:

November 2015
Handling Failed HTTP Responses With fetch()

RT @trodrigues: so fetch() doesn’t reject on error HTTP error codes. this is gonna get so many people by surprise

September 2015
Performance Tools | React

React's official performance tools enabling timing of React internals

July 2015
Time-Travel Debugging for JavaScript/HTML Applications | Marron | Channel 9

Crazy useful - experimental time travel debugging: Super interesting implementation too

June 2015
PHP: DatePeriod - Manual

I had no idea this was a thing: So useful!

May 2015
Netflix JavaScript Talks - Falcor - YouTube

Interesting ideas from Netflix on REST/data access: Similar to Facebook’s GraphQL

May 2015