
GitHub - petehunt/webpack-howto

Clearest beginner’s guide to webpack I’ve seen:

January 2016
Tips to handle Authentication in Redux – Medium

Some good tips on handling auth with redux:

November 2015
Handling Failed HTTP Responses With fetch()

RT @trodrigues: so fetch() doesn’t reject on error HTTP error codes. this is gonna get so many people by surprise

September 2015
Performance Tools | React

React's official performance tools enabling timing of React internals

July 2015
Time-Travel Debugging for JavaScript/HTML Applications | Marron | Channel 9

Crazy useful - experimental time travel debugging: Super interesting implementation too

June 2015
PHP: DatePeriod - Manual

I had no idea this was a thing: So useful!

May 2015
Netflix JavaScript Talks - Falcor - YouTube

Interesting ideas from Netflix on REST/data access: Similar to Facebook’s GraphQL

May 2015
Rendering ReactJS templates server-side.

Nice introduction to server-side rendering with PHP and React

May 2015
A plain english guide to JavaScript prototypes - Sebastian's Blog

The post to read if you want to understand the Javascript prototype chain

May 2015
PHP :: Request #49914 :: DateInterval doesn't implement comparison functions

Ridiculous PHP bug, or most ridiculous PHP bug:

May 2015 » What should a modern scientific infrastructure look like?

I think this sums up nicely why I (as a software guy) am interested in the scientific publishing system:

May 2015

This is cool (although they seem to be suffering under the load):

April 2015

Like this article on event sourcing: One of the clearest I’ve read

April 2015
GitHub Archive

Github Archive - queryable Github “events” going back to 2011 Looks super useful. Perhaps interesting to #altmetrics

March 2015
User Onboarding | A frequently-updated compendium of web app first-run experiences

Does what it says on the tin - screenshots of various websites/apps and their onboarding/initial start up procress

March 2015
Untitled (

One of my fave #CSS snippets: a { color: inherit; border-bottom: 1px solid currentColor; } —about currentColor:

February 2015
Lunar Swimming

“If we ever build a Moon base, I think we should absolutely build a big swimming pool there”

January 2015
javascript - html5 localStorage error with Safari: "QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR: DOM Exception 22: An attempt was made to add something to storage that exceeded the quota." - Stack Overflow

TIL iOS Safari in Private Browsing mode throws an exception when you try to put something in localStorage:

December 2014