
enkidevs/seapig: 🌊🐷 Utility for generalized composition of React components

Really interesting utility for creating "compound" React components, like what Ryan Florence has advocated for. The api is actually minimal, but seems super useful

November 2017
Alt-texts: The Ultimate Guide - Axess Lab

Really excellent guide to writing alt text for images on the web

October 2017
Bit calculator

Useful JS bitwise calculator

October 2017
The Output Element | CSS-Tricks

About new (to me) HTML element which is useful for showing output for an interactive control. The example shown is a range input that shows the value. It beats a div because of improved a11y - it can be linked to the input with a for attribute. Can also see it being useful for showing preview output for a setting

October 2017
Untitled (

Another great article from @linclark, this time on Firefox’s new WebRender project:

October 2017
A Look at Bootstrap 4's New Reset: Reboot.css ― Scotch

Bootstrap 4 has a new CSS reset, called Reboot. Looks useful

October 2017

Nice looking SVG icon set

October 2017
Color in UI Design: A (Practical) Framework – Erik D. Kennedy – Medium

Some good tips on using colour in UIs. Interesting observation that many UIs pick a single colour and only use variations of the colour in the UI

October 2017
My App Story – MacStories

This week is my first as an indie. Here’s how I went from lawyer to writer-podcaster-app developer.

October 2017
Essential Image Optimization

Addy Osmani's guide to image optimisation

September 2017
Your app makes me fat — Serious Pony

Describes some studies showing that a person's "cognitive resources" are limited, and are depleted by making choices. Perhaps useful in discussions of "busy" interfaces

September 2017
To type or not to type: quantifying detectable bugs in JavaScript | the morning paper

Pretty cool paper showing empirical evidence of type systems preventing bugs in JS:

September 2017
Thinking with Joins

Really excellent explainer of D3's update model - which makes clear the why & how of D3's api

September 2017
A React And Preact Progressive Web App Performance Case Study: Treebo

Good write up of some high level React app load performance tips

September 2017
Interface font family

Nice looking san-serif font. Quite similar to Roboto. Aimed at user interfaces

August 2017
CodePen - JPNG.svg (Transparent PNG with JPEG Compression)

Interesting technique to cut down on transparent PNG sizes by combining compressed JPEG, PNG and SVG

August 2017
Inside a super fast CSS engine: Quantum CSS (aka Stylo) ★ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog

This is exciting. Looking forward to the next jump in browsers. Firefox Nightly shipping some more parts from Servo:

August 2017
Exploiting Script Injection Flaws in ReactJS Apps – DailyJS – Medium

Useful tips on React & security vectors. Most are pretty unlikely but good to keep in mind

August 2017